IMDS Membership Application Form

IMDS Membership Application 2021-2022

Online registration form for IMDS membership

    Membership Valid For


    Single Person Membership (DKK)

    Family Membership*(DKK)

    One Year

    15-Aug to 15-Aug



    Life Time



    Note:-Membership fee is nonrefundable.

    Family members defines 2 adults and max 4 children up to 18 years old

    Please send your online application for membership, you will receive the mail with account details to transfer the amount.

    I solemnly and sincerely declare that I have residence permit and CPR No in Denmark. I obey the laws of IMDS to became member and serve the IMDS in all possible ways to promote the IMDS Vision and Mission in Danish society.


    Please follow these steps

    1. Download membership application form
    2. Fill up the application form
    3. Scan it and Email us in PDF format